Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Be the “Plain Jane” You… Because She’s Beautiful!

Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash

Forget what you’ve been told or think about Plain Janes. Let’s re-write what this means in a positive way. Being the “Plain Jane” you is being your most natural, authentic self. It’s understanding yourself. It’s letting go of what other people expect of you or think of you and embracing who you are in the most natural way possible.

Why is the “Plain Jane” me beautiful?:

Doing things because of or being a particular way because of other people or trends isn’t being your authentic self and therefore, while you may “feel beautiful”, this could be short-lived and is not grounded in understanding your authentic, natural self. It’s acting through other’s approval and it is a short-term, unstable way to be.

By being the “Plain Jane” you, you not only feel beautiful, but you are also truly yourself and that’s a beauty that is sooo deep and so needed. You radiate with authenticity and shine in a way that everyone notices (whether they want to admit or not). You don’t worry about what others think about you now that you’re “Plain Jane” you. You are you; because she’s beautiful.

You want to learn who you are, embrace who you are, and continue to learn who you are. Yes, people of all ages are learning more and more about their natural, authentic “Plain Jane” selves. Continue to explore and become more and more of who you naturally are. By being your “Plain Jane” self, you accept that you will not just “go with the crowd” or live through other’s approval of who they think you should be.

If you’re not completely sure yet who you are to a T… don’t worry — we’re all working on our Plain Jane self and this journey never ends. Don’t get discouraged that you will always need to learn about yourself in this life if you are. Don’t panic or overwhelm yourself over this in any way. Start with some tips below to be your Plain Jane self and continue to be her.

How do I be my “Plain Jane” self?:

  • Don’t enjoy wearing make-up but everyone around you and with you says you have to or might think you look ugly if you don’t have it on.
      • Don’t wear it now. Or do it a little more natural if you want to. It’s now about how YOU want to be. You don’t have to wear make-up or a lot of it to be beautiful. You do things now being your “Plain Jane” self only because you want to and it makes you feel good. Not because of others telling you that you need to do something or because you think you will not be accepted if you don’t.
  • You feel terrible in those skinny-jeans or “insert any other clothing item here”, but your friends all wear them so you have to.
      • No, you don’t have to wear what you feel terrible wearing. Doing something even though you feel terrible about it is not being your “Plain Jane” self. So, ditch those skinny jeans. Wear what you feel comfortable and yourself in.
  • You absolutely hate yoga (or any other exercise and/or relaxation method), but “yoga” is the IT thing… So, you know: I yoga.
      • No, you don’t yoga now, my beautiful Plain Jane. You find an exercise and/or relaxation method that YOU LOVE. Be yourself; don’t yoga or do things when you hate them. Now, if you hate them only because it’s hard but you kinda like them, that’s a different story. Sometimes things are tough, and that’s ok. But, if you’ve found or are finding that you don’t like something… move on and find new.
  • I’m a vegan or vegetarian, but it’s only because I want to be “part of that community”… I secretly hate it, hate my life, and want to eat that meat, soooooooo bad. 
      • You eat that meat now… Go out and eat it — right now! Because you’re living something you’re not. You’re not being your natural, authentic self. You’re doing things because you want to fit in or be something you’re not.
  • I’m a republican. I’m a democrat. I’m a libertarian. I’m “insert any other political party on earth here”. BUT, I don’t know what that is even. Or/and — I’m only this because my best friend, family, boyfriend, or the person down the road is.
      • Ok, stop labeling yourself or being something because others are or that’s the cool thing to be. Don’t be something you don't even know what is either. You figure out and study the political parties (and there are many… not just republican or democrats — research them all.) and you figure out what one is best suited for your own natural, authentic Plain Jane self. You are and be what is YOU… don’t be something because everyone thinks that’s what you should be or you feel you’d be less than if you weren’t something. Now, this can be tough in this day and age and political environment. It is hard. However, sometimes being our “Plain Jane” selves isn’t easy and we shouldn’t just give up on being her.


Summary of, How do I be my “Plain Jane” self:

Don’t do things that aren’t your natural, authentic self. Don’t do things you hate, don’t wear things you feel terrible in, don’t do things you don’t enjoy, don’t be something you don’t even know what is — find out first if it’s something that’s for you, don’t label yourself something or be something because others are or that’s the “it” thing to be.

My beautiful, Plain Janes… Remember this, ALWAYS:

You’re smart. You’re worthy. You’re beautiful. And you’ve got what it takes. Don’t second-guess yourself or think you can’t be the “Plain Jane” you… EVER. You need to keep telling yourself this and believe it.

Believe in who your natural, authentic self is and visualize yourself being her — now be her through that vision. Believe me, you got this! You’re beautiful! 🙂

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