Saturday, June 29, 2019

Favorite Sites

Dear Readers,

I used to have these sites in a list on the right side of my blog. However, I recently reorganized and remodeled the site. So, I'm sharing all my most favorite sites in this post and I’ll continue to update this post with more sites with time.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. Each one has given me endless inspiration for the blog and in many other life pursuits.

I invite you to share your favorite sites that may not be listed in this post in the comments. This will create great information sharing for all readers.

Have a great weekend!



A Healthy Slice of Life

Becoming Minimalist

Candice Kumai

Christopher Conners

Darius Foroux

Extra Petite

Felines of New York


Healthy Glow

How to be Chic

Humans of New York

Inspired By Charm

Introvert, Dear

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Fix the Broken Things in Our Lives…

I have an awful habit of not staying on top of fixing things that are broken in my house and car. I guess it’s because I think I have a higher tolerance for chaos in my life than average (because it doesn’t seem to bother me to leave things but hey maybe it is bothering me in ways I didn’t realize!) and well… I’m lazy. I’ll admit it, I’m so lazy when it comes to some things in my life. I have no care at times for some things.

Last weekend, I took it upon myself to go around my home and car and fix anything I could. Just one day out of the weekend, actually. I did this after months and months of letting things go broken by doing the following steps:
  1. I told myself… no more. I will not live like this.
  2. I put it on my Google calendar that I’d fix things.
  3. I followed through even though I didn’t want to do ANY OF IT. It was a chore. It wasn’t fun. It wasn’t grand. It felt like the worst work on the planet. ha!
HOWEVER, AFTER I fixed those broken things last weekend…. I felt accomplishment, I felt joy, and I felt happiness in a way I hadn’t felt for a long time. AND, something else happened…

My other problems in my life that were not physically broken things seemed to feel less like problems and seemed totally more manageable or less of an issue than they were before.

So, I share this because if this can have that kind of power for me, then I think it may for you too.

Maybe we start out small (I love my own advice!…. I totally need to practice what I’m preaching here too. ha!), and we fix just one little broken thing in our lives right away or even better… the minute it’s broken — don’t even let it sit. The effects of fixing that one little thing could quadruple and spill over into fixing more than you’d ever imagined.

Let’s fix the broken things in our lives.