Saturday, August 26, 2017


Amalfi Coast, Italy

Sometimes we can forget the simple things we like and are passionate about in life. This can even be as detailed as the smells, sights, and foods among many other simple, sometimes overlooked details in our life that evoke happiness and joy. 

Inspired by an exercise in a book I read (see details at the bottom of this post), I put together an evolving list of my life's simple pleasures. I encourage you to do the same sometime. It doesn’t take too long, and it’s a nice refresher of your inner self-passions and often-times overlooked details that add value to your life. Hope you enjoy it. ❤

My Life’s Simple Pleasures: 
  • Hearing the birds and other animals chirp in the morning with the smell of freshness and life. :)
  • Walking around barefoot even outdoors in the grass and dirt.
  • Sipping tea or coffee
  • Reading blogs and other short articles from the news or other reputable sources
  • Reading about other people’s lives to get ideas
  • Pondering things. Especially life, human nature, morality, and personal growth.
  • Going to the salon to get my hair, nails, and other things done to make myself feel even more beautiful and trendy.
  • Travel
  • Driving in my car listening to music and singing with it just awfully but not caring at all. Lol
  • Being around old people. Especially older couples still completely in love and older couples & groups of elders having dinner conversations about life and current events. I want to do that when I’m old! I’m inspired!
  • Taking a walk in my community
  • Taking a walk in nature and usually observing the animals.
  • Going to museums and art galleries
  • Going to instrumental musical performances
  • Eating a really healthy, full of different veggies salad, raw veggies, and mixed fruit.
  • Having moments of reminiscing back to great memories of the past. This might involve traveling on occasion to my once favorite go-to restaurant or city where I used to live for a small moment of history but delight in what I love and have loved.
  • Spending time with my family doing very special things with them like going to a restaurant, eating, a concert, a play, a movie, or other events. I also enjoy simple things like talking with them and spending time with their loving pets.
  • Having time to just sit and have no obligations before me so that I can do whatever I want to do.
  • Keeping my apartment decluttered and clean.
  • Spending time with animals.
  • Buying new or used clothes, shoes, and accessories that show off my style.
  • Eating chocolate or other desserts and reallyyyyy enjoying them.
  • Reading books that I find interesting like The Simply Luxurious Life, Thirty Chic Days, The Leadership Contract, Minimalism Books, Zen, and other Buddhism lifestyle books.
  • The smell of freshly cleaned clothes and blankets.
  • Being a part of a group that is working together to make something better. I like feeling apart of something and enjoy being around those that inspire and motivate me to be my best self and in turn, I can do the same for them also.
  • Going to a coffee or tea shop and just sitting and doing homework or reading or playing on the internet.
  • Listening to live music at coffee shops or sophisticated bars
  • Occasionally going to see a movie out while eating my kids sized popcorn combo. Lol
  • Laughing and finding humor in the little things.
  • Trying new things to see if I like them… getting out of my shell a little at times to do something different.
  • Talking to people about their hopes, dreams, and goals. I want to really know what motivates people and what their pleasures are. Who and what they care about and love. What they’re passionate about.
  • Running, playing tennis, playing softball.
  • Understanding what’s going on in the world and in my community. I like information.
  • Observing artists in action and/or seeing them with their pieces of art and/or craft done so that I leave so happy and satisfied that these people are doing something special and following their passions in life.
  • Writing. Especially my goals in life.
  • Waking up warm and cozy and never wanting to get out of bed because it feels soooo good. Lol
Inspiration for this writing and brainstorm of my life simple pleasures came from the writing exercise found in Shannon Ables book, “Choosing The Simply Luxurious Life: A Modern Woman’s Guide”. You can read more about her and her blog here: